Moving Overview
It's really never too soon to begin planning for a move. Comprehensive timetable and checklist is the best strategy to ensure a smooth relocation.
Six Weeks Before
- Remove unnecessary items from your attic, basement, storage shed etc.
- Use things you can't move, such as frozen foods and cleaning supplies.
- Obtain information about your new community.
- Secure a floor plan of your new residence and decide what household items you want to keep.
- Solicit estimates from at least three moving companies.
- Call your homeowners insurance agent to find out to what degree your move is covered.
- Arrange to transfer your children’s school records.
Four Weeks Before
- Evaluate your possessions inventory. Can you donate anything?
- Notify your friends, relatives, professionals, creditors, subscriptions, etc.
- Locate high-quality health-care professionals and hospitals in your new location.
- Complete a change of address via post-office cards or an online service for the following: Banks; Charge cards; Religious organizations; Doctors/dentist; Income tax bureau/Social Security Administration/union; Insurance broker/lawyer/CPA/ stockbroker; Magazines; Post office; and Schools.
- Clean your closets.
- Hold a moving/garage sale or donate items to charities.
- Choose a mover and make arrangements.
- If relocating due to a job, contact your employer to see what costs, if any, they will cover.
- Contact insurance companies (auto, homeowner's) to arrange for coverage in your new home.
- Start packing!
Two Weeks Before
- Make travel plans. Arrange for pet transfer if needed.
- Notify your state's Motor Vehicle Bureau of your new address.
- Contact your moving company and review arrangements for your move.
- Call your water, electricity and gas and trash companies to pay off any and all invoices and set up the transfer date for the new property.
- Set up Internet/ Cable provider appointment for the new home.
- Pick up dry cleaning and return library books.
- Request refunds on unused homeowner's insurance, security deposit with landlord
- Start Packing!
The Week Of Moving
- Prepare detailed directions and an itinerary with emergency numbers for your moving company.
- Take pets to the veterinarian and get copies of their records.
- Defrost refrigerators and freezers.
- Consider gathering all valuables and giving them to family or friends to hold until the move is completed.
- Disconnect all major appliances.
- Mover's Survival Kit: Scissors, utility knife, coffee cups, instant coffee/tea or a coffee maker, water and soft drinks, snacks, paper plates, plastic utensils, paper towels, toilet paper, soap, pen, masking and/or duct tape, trash bags, shelf liner, and aspirin or ibuprofen.
Moving Day
- Be home to answer any questions your mover may have.
- Record all utility meter readings (gas, electric, and water).
- Keep your copies of the bill of lading and inventory until your possessions are delivered, the charges are paid, and any claims are settled.